Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pyramids, Now South...

I arrive in Eilat by bus early Tuesday morning. Here I met up with Catharina, the girl that was also planning on going to Cairo. Its always better to travel with someone else. Just as long as they are not a crazy person. Luckily Catharina is far from that. We arrived in Cairo early afternoon yesterday and booked a tour with one of the local travel agencies. We stayed in a great hostel in downtown Cairo and woke up early this morning to tour the Great Pyramids. We rode camels through a traffic jam that was half camel half car. Not something you see everyday. After the chaotic mess we broke away from the tour buses and people trying to sell you mini pyramids. I have to say it was pretty amazing. Still has not really set in that I saw them this morning. Almost like a dream. You read about something and see pictures of it your whole life and then your actually there.....It was pretty surreal. After that we visited some more of Egypts 97 pyramids. Next, we toured the Cairo Museum and got to see the beautiful artifacts from King Tuts tomb along with many, many others. Now we are about to go catch a 12 hour train to Aswan close to the border of Sudan. Here we will tour the temples of Abu Simbel on a Nile cruise. I got to go...I'll be sure to post pics ASAP. Probably won't write for the next 6 days b/c of the cruise....Bye!!! : )

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