Saturday, June 14, 2008

We Made It!!!!

We finally made it to Israel! We spent the night in the international terminal at JFK. Kyle and I slept on a bench in the food court. It was not the best night of sleep I have ever had. We were not able to get on the first flight for stand-by but made the second one that night. We arrived in Israel yesterday afternoon. An Israeli girl named Gia picked us up and took us to meet up with the group. We are in northern Israel, by the Sea of Galilee. This is actually a lake, and is where Jesus is said to have walked on water for those of you who read the Bible. The area we are in now is really beautiful. It is pretty hot during the day (about 90), but cools down nicely at night (60's). The Sea of Galilee is one of the places that we plan on coming back to for some kiteboarding. I didn't bring my connector for the camera, but I will try to put up some pics as soon as I can. We are 7 hours ahead of EST so I have changed all of the posts to show the time that it is here. It's good to finally be here and I will be updating as soon as I can.


Anonymous said...

chase im glad you finally made it there ill be keeping up with you and kyle thanks for the updates and remember ALL GIRLS ARE................

kozz22 said...

What an adventure for both of you. Hopefully you can get Kyle to type a few words during your journey. Like ET said in the movie "Phone Home" Stay safe and watch each others back. DAD