Kyle and I have just been relaxing in our apartment the last couple of days. Going to the beach and chilling out. We went up to Haifa for Shabbat dinner with the Israeli soldier that we know. Her and her family really made us feel welcomed. Her dad is an amazing guy. He is 78 years old and a retired Israeli army commander. He looks like he is 60 and acts like he is 20. He fought for Israel's independence in the Independence War of 1948. Founded and commanded Israels first elite diving division, kind of like the Navy Seals. Now he is retired after over 40 years served and operates a dive company as head dive master. Saturday he took us out on his dive boat and we swam around a wrecked ship just off the shore. Really a great man...Right now we are heading down to the Red Sea and then Sinai. Sinai is a region that is part of Egypt that is also on the Red Sea. Just going to be relaxing and doing some snorkling. I got to go before we miss our train...Will post when we get back towards the end of next week..
How was Sinai? Love you two.....Mom
sounds like another cool old man i know that has a boat.......his name is mychal and he lives in dunedin though
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