Check me out as I prepare to head to Israel on June 11 with my brother Kyle. We are going on a special trip through the birthrite program. The birthrite program is a scholarship fund set up for young jewish college students to visit Israel. The birthrite part of our trip lasts for 10 days. During that time we will visit Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, the Dead Sea, and a few other places throughout Israel. After the 10 day tour we have deviated our flight to stay for 60 days. We are bringing some kiteboarding gear to kite during our time over there. I'm currently talking with some Israeli guys to network and make contacts for our travels. Nothing is set in stone, just keeping our plans open. I have a friend that is a pro tennis coach in Cairo, so we may go visit him and check out the pyramids. I also plan to go to the Greek Isles for a couple of weeks. Should be exciting! Right now I am teaching as many kiteboarding lessons as possible to save up for our time overseas. Kyle is working the daily grind as a server at an Irish Restaurant. If we run out of money while we are over there we can always serve as messengers in the Gaza strip. No one wants to do it, but if we need a little money then that's what we will have to do. I'm only kidding, my mom would kill me! Don't worry mom we will be nowhere near there. We will be sure to try to only stay at the places with cheap beer and beautiful women : ) So stay tuned for some trip updates and I look forward to sharing my summer with everyone.
Geez Chase! - wish you'd chosen another photo! Yes, you're right -I am not terribly fond of the messenger plan ;-)... Looking forward to seeing you two next week in Atlanta. Love you, Mom
all packed and ready to go! kiteboarding to israel is going to take awhile....should be exciting though, lol!
Is northern Israel a good place to visit?????
M. Chassie-
You have been standing on that road in the mid-east so long now I finally figured out why--You are stuck to the macadam and can't remove your shoes since it would be an insult to a passing Islamist and that could make for some real bad news,so DO NOT MOVE. I am taking up a collection to hire 007 to go over there and bring you home with all your body parts. We all miss you very much but no one has any money so you may be there for a bit longer.---Grump
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